Fooled into Security?

Preamble: Early Monday morning, I heard a woman scream. Looking out the window (because we all know I am not going any closer) and down the road I noticed a body lying face down on the ground. The commotion caught the attention of our entire village, except the village police. Later that night, in our living room the corner house family sat and were shocked when reporters said "speedy police response" referring to the shooting incident in our neighborhood.

Allegations of corruption, police brutality, unsolved murders and the lack of and skewed responsiveness of the police to crimes are nothing new said by citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.
It is a fact that people have very little or no faith in the police service. Especially since crime in T&T is very high. Out off 548 crimes in T&T in 2008 only 20 were solved. There is even a Face book page titled Trinidad police is the worst.
Some police are just as bad as criminals
Cartoon Courtesy: Clay Bennet
I once called the police to make a report of a man that just raped a woman and was still prowling the area like God and they never came. Now we have a new administration, a new year, new crimes, yet still little has changed. The biggest change from my perspective, has little to do with the actual solving of crimes or execution of police work. The most noteworthy and conspicuous recent 'improvement' has been heavy advertisements by the police service.
Recently, there have been many advertisements on the various forms of media depicting the efforts of the police service to stop or curb the crime situation in the country. Advertising is very effective and has the power to create awareness, inform, and persuade. It can make us buy things we don’t want and sing songs we don’t like. So this is my question.

Do you think that the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service is using the media to 'dupe' citizens into thinking they are effectively handling the crime situation in Trinidad and Tobago and actually doing their job?


Francés Christina De Lancey said...

I dont appreciate the "like God and they never came" she cud hav sed "like my man dey never came" lol.....but yes is tru....they play on the minds of the ppl via d media.n is not just d police, iz the government in its entirety..n it works..but one day unbiased media/journalism will prevail..but dont hold ya breath smh

Anonymous said...

Yes i think thats what the media does.

Anonymous said...

yes i think so too

Anonymous said...

I partly agree with you, yes the media is a good way or method of making people believe their perception. but this new CoP am hearing he is working , lets give him some time to see if he can change the imagine of the police and really get the to work.

RThomas said...

we all know the power of the media and how it influences the minds, decisions and ideals of individuals world wide. it is nothing new. to this end i say, yes, the police force is using the media to convince the people of t & T that they are indeed doing something about the crime situation in the country, when we all can see no tangible evidence of what they are doing. but since it is a new government, new administration and new commissioner of police, all we can do is wait and see the effects of what they claim they are doing.