The Media's Woman

Ok, so most times when I see women being portrayed in the media, the cloths that drapes their body barely covers their private gems. They are gyrating and grinding on something; whether on men or a on gadgets, or they are some body’s b***h, that is constantly running from a Pimp’s slap.

Above ^^ Depicts Advertisements which show women using their bodies as the selling piece.

Yea, yea, forget that there are moms, housewives, businesswomen, students, somebody’s sister or daughter, trying to live a normal life, without doing what is said above, but because of the media’s portrayal of women all of this is forgotten.

Even though great progress has been made in how the media portrays women in magazines, films and television, the stereotypical ‘less than nothing’ female still blossoms in the so call media that we devour daily.

They’ keep saying, sex sells, so, if advertisers want to sell a drink, it is a woman’s body and her arousal body parts that are portrayed. If advertisers want to sell food, again, it’s a woman’s body and her sensual parts that pop up, literally. And if it is a car, then you won’t have to guess, which "assets" are for sale.

Does the stereotypical female in the media have a controlling influence over how humanity analyzes women and how women view themselves? Should we be worried of the subliminal messages the media sends?
Why do females find themselves adding to the media's negative portrayal and stereotyping of women? Is it because women have lost all self respect, or is it that they’re just in it for the fast money? Who knows?


Anonymous said...

Well women need to be respected in society on a whole, but some women boldly choose the modeling profession and they are comfortable with there bodies and expressing it!!! Sooo say what they are getting paid!! Its also an issue thats going to continue no matter. Its all about CHOICE WOMEN!!!!

Ken Sambury said...

I agree!

Anonymous#2 said...

It's both! There are obviously those women that have lost, as you say "all self respect", there are those women that are just in it for the fast money and there are those women that are for both.
I don't necessarily agree with these women that for lack of better words, "sell out" but I totally agree with the 1st person when they say it's an on-going issue that's going to continue no matter what.
But I do think if focused on promoting more respectable and empowering women to the forefront then concept of using women as sex-objects would fade,if only by a little bit.

Marie 90 said...

Women will continue to be looked as the more sensual being of the two sexes with or with out the media. Advertisers will continue to use this approach because they understand that it is human nature that sex is on people's mind and it is part of our physical needs that are directly connected to our emotional needs.
Advertisers connected the product with sexuality to draw the users attention.
I am not agreeing that it is Right to display women in that manner, but it will take some time before a new tactic is discovered especially in the advertising of men's products!

Anonymous said...

well said and its nothing new this has been an ongoing tactic in the media

Talisa said...

Yes, sex does sell in advertising (unfortunately/fortunately? decide)

Women will continue to be portrayed in a sexual light for selling products only if it is condoned. At the end of the day, no one forces a woman to be in an advertisement that she knows is going to be potentially risque/of a sexual nature). It is a choice that is made on an individual level. The unfortunate reality is that when these ads are made and consequently shown on television, there are millions who will look at, not the product that is being advertised, but the woman in the ad making that product more attractive, and want to emulate what they see on tv, what looks "good", what's "in". Mass media is THAT powerful if you're not careful/have a mind & values of your own, yes you will end up portraying just what you see, or trying to copy it.
The generalization that "females" find themselves adding to the media's portrayal should not be so because not all females do this. Not every female will look at an advertisement/ music video and decide that they want to look/dress/act/be like the women they are seeing. At the end of the day it all boils down to values, morals and being able to think for oneself. Some females have it, others don't.

kristalalexander said...

women allow this to be done..and the truth is in fact that sex does sell...whether we'd like to admit it or not the male species is still the dominant species,i think also people although they are gradually elevating to new perspective on women's positions in life a part of them are still a bit nostalgic and attached to traditional lifestyles where the male point of view and approval even are necessary to determine ultimate success of how what and why something would sell.

Bella said...

yes sex does sell but we as women are the ones to be blamed we allow our bodies to be violated...smh...such is life

Anonymous said...

i really think that is true. women are daily used to advertise products but guess what the products we sexually sell our bodies for are for generally males. i don;t think the public wants a man to be posig wearing women's underwear do we that would seriouslly turn men off and vice versa. it's not only women that does it. men do it too. still i have to say that it isn't fair how woman are treated in teerms of adveritising a product. things like that make men think women are too damn easy.

Ash said...

there will never be a time when the body of a woman is not objectified by men. this is a very sad prospect however it is undoubtedly the truth men have been objectifying females since the beginning of humankind i believe that it is in our nature as sexual organisms to covet sex (men more so than women) therefore it is not that women have lost self respect but a certain few have chosen to use the previously mentioned fact for monetary gain.

Anonymous said...

I think the playing field is pretty much even now. Yes women are objectified but women are empowered enough now that the ones baring their boobs are not really being taken advantage of. Plus they're doing it with the fellas now too.